There Will be Jank

There Will be Jank

This Saturday, we’re heading down to Sonoma Raceway for a tour-de-force event…errr, events, that we want to recommend you check out too. Over the last few years we’ve become quite smitten with a couple of interesting organizations. One of which we’ve reported on a couple of times, RADwood, and the other, 24 Hours of LEMONS. This event mushes both of these franchises into one big ol’ blob called HooptieCon.

Admit it…you haven’t seen one of these in a loooong time!

Admit it…you haven’t seen one of these in a loooong time!

If you require late-model, state-of-the-art, precision guided automotive automobilia to get your rocks off, this event may be a challenge for many of your sensitivities. RADWood is a janky celebration of 80s and 90s cars and culture, and the 24 Hours of LEMONS is the irreverent manifestation of the mixture of bad ideas, desperation, ingenuity, rusty garbage and…well…beer. Yeah, that’s not a lot to go on if you’ve never been to either type of event before, but trying to describe either in any detail is pretty much a waste of time, and frankly cheapens the experience of going. Assuming you haven’t heard of either of these two events or you have, but you’ve never taken the initiative, do what we did. Try something new…try something different…get out of your groove. Hell, you probably haven’t been to the track this year. We’re giving you a good excuse.

Yeah, you can’t un-see this….

Yeah, you can’t un-see this….

Suffice it to say that if you make it to the track this weekend, you’re likely see things you’ve never seen before, and though you’ll see some things you’ll wish you could “un-see,” you might just love it so much you’ll come to see the genius of these things and make them part of your 2019 calendar and beyond.

The event…err…events are $20 in advance for Saturday and $30 will get to admission for both days (the LEMONS event is a “24 Hour” event, so it straddles both Sunday, while RADwood is Saturday only). No matter how you slice it, this is a great deal. Take it from us, you could have a lot less fun for a lot more money.