Remember that  time you built a giant car with every Lego you had and while it was an engineering achievement for a  child, it still came out looking like a giant brick with wheels?  Fighting all semblance of self control and caution, you proceeded to cover it with lighter fluid and recreate the last car stunt you saw at the fair.  It was awesome, but it was still too basic.   Now feast your eyes are the true art of the automotive Lego experience.   I know its hard to see with tears welling up in your eyes... tears shed looking at something so beautiful...tears at knowing that you sucked at building with Legos.  

Make sure to further the pain by watching the video as you will see the moving parts.

LEGO legend Solde is at it again, this time with the W16 Bugatti Veyron Engine.

LEGO W16 Bugatti Veyron Engine


[youtube id="5cfDKDI_BaQ#t=143"]